If you are thinking of adopting a cat, an older cat can make a perfect choice for your home.
Older cats are often found in animal shelters for a variety of reasons. A new baby, allergies, divorce, bereavement, or any change in income or lifestyle can be reasons why a perfectly healthy and happy animal needs to be relocated.
Older Cats Can Be Loving Friends And Are Generally Much Easier To Handle.
It is said that age brings wisdom. Although it is not always the case with people, it is true when we talk about cats. Adult felines no longer scratch the sofas or the carpets; they do not empty the bins or go hunting at night. They know how to enjoy a quiet life; they wait patiently for the food and do not need much action to be comfortable in your home. Living with older cats is less complicated and more relaxed than living with a lively kitten, who turns everything upside down with his insatiable curiosity.
Here are some reasons why a senior cat is the best choice for the next addition to your family:
Immediate Companion:
Kittens initially require 24/7 attention – think house training, scratching and sleepless nights. Older cats, on the other hand, already know the rules. An older cat can provide years of unconditional love and faithful companionship.
Mild Moods:
Older cats are calmer. They will still play with you, but they do so more gently. Older cats are more likely to stay off tables – and their claws off furniture. Many rescue centers classify animals according to specific behavior and temperament, so you know exactly what you’re getting with a new pet.
Specialty store employees can tell you if an older pet is comfortable around children, but they don’t know about kittens because these young animals don’t have experience with children yet. Kittens can play too wildly, especially with younger children.
Vet Visits
Vet fees won’t necessarily be higher for having elderly pets. Kittens need a series of shots, and you may need to pay to have them spayed or neutered. By contrast, older pets typically require only yearly examinations.
Multi-Cat Households
Introducing a new cat into an environment where the resident cat rules the roost can be tricky, especially with older cats sticking to their routine and less likely to adjust. Achieving feline harmony is possible, but it may take some time for cats to learn to trust each other and a little patience from you. Older cats may need extra patience when entering a new home, but once they feel safe, they are generally quite happy in a house with more cats.